Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Omg, today was the best day ever!! My classes fly by! I'm the farthest ahead in my keyboarding class, AND Freshman think I'm cool, their gullibility makes me giggle. Hahaha I got lots of comments and weird looks on my hat ftw!. And I was reading Uncensored in class and Kendra took it from me, I was like -still look like I'm reading- "Yes Kendra, you can look at the book if you like...." She read some of it then stopped seeing the section titled Sex. I laughed, lol. Then I read the book, and it was awkward to read through sex, it really was. Then classes ended, but the teacher yelled at us when the bell went off, so I had to run to my locker. So then, the best parts come up!! Courtney showed up, and she gave me a Squeeky Hammer (Yes they deserve caps.) A straw (Ftw!) And a DvD back, lol good timing too cause I wanted to wa5tch the series again, lol. Then this kid payed Devon 5 bucks to make out with Tori. After 20 times of changing her mind, Tori finally agreed. I laughed, because it was totally ironic that I was reading about this stuff earlier. Then I got home, and I got a Gameinformer in, (w00t) And my mom said she was making steak for me while she makes liver and onions (eeeewww) for my grandparents.

Sorry its a wall-o-post, I'm just to excited!!!


  1. I just skipped the Sex section. Not because it was weird for me, but because I've heard all of that a million times before. (The Silver Ring Thing?)
    Gameinformer came in for my brother, too. I was flipping through it on my way back from the mailbox, and my brother asked if it was his.
    Me: "Yea-- Ooh! 385-- ...You're not going to get this back for awhile.

  2. And BTW, Obsessive, if you don't know Plushie, then you won't understand half the post. It's not "gay." It's a bunch of inside jokes.

  3. ik him well actually he broke my besties heart but now shes happier then she was when she was with him.

  4. OMG! Another commenter! I thought reader, maaaybe, but I never thought I'd get another commenter! This day just gets better! And no, I'm not gay, lol, I'm just weird =D.

    And Courtney, I'm not one to skip through books, it bugs me to do that x.x but yeah, I've heard some of that, even from your mom a couple times XD your reaction was funny. But I'mma read it anyway, oh and 385 ftw! Except that multiplayer sounds dissapointing T.T

  5. .........what are you talking about Obsessive?

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  8. This is personal, if you have something to say, talk to me on chat, not on here.

  9. but i thought u were grounded from chat?
