Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Weather alert.

What the heck is the point of these besides to bother people? Seriously. I'm trying to watch Last Comic Standing, if you arent going to make me laugh then get off! I think the people in the vecinity are well aware that there is a storm coming and the need to get into some shelter, I'm half a state away, I don't care, I'm going to be fine, seriously, it's not even heading in my direction. Then they insist, not only to cut out a part of your schedualed programming, but to also make sure you get to see as little of it as possible. "This alert will last 17 minutes." WTH!? That's exactly the amount of time the show has left, what's wrong with you!?

Weather alerts are stupid and pointless, it was made up by the news media to get more viewings by those who don't care about recent events, and have the special ability to tell the weather by looking out the window.

This is my rant for the night.
Thank you.


  1. and half the time they dont even get it rite! my science teacher said they basically narrow it down to about 3 possibilities, then just randomly choose one. I COULD DO THAT! like today id say there is a 60% chance of rain and it will be overcast for most if not all of the day. there, now pay me for that prediction puleez! and who has 17 minute weather reports in the middle of a show? thats just rude, you should sue.

  2. I really should. They were doing it for a tornado warning. I think if there is a tornado nearby, people will notice and find shelter, and if it's not close, they don't need it, it's stupid.

  3. exactly. i mean green sky, swirling clouds.. its kinda obvious!

  4. Seriously, looking up is actually a very good way to get a forecast.

  5. its true. its a waste of time and money to do it all scientifically and w/e when you can just use your own eyes and figure it out!!

  6. And if you have animals, they can sense it ahead of time, you know? So in case you need reassuring that the sky might be wrong, check to see if your pet sheep is freaking out, if it is, then it;s time to worry.

  7. thats what they say, like b4 the tsunami in indonesia all the elephnts and birds and animals went to higher lands like a week in advance!! rotfl~ i wish i had a pet sheep, they look cuddly!

  8. So, animals are smart enough to prepare for a natural disaster a week in advance, but humans hardly are at all, I think we just over complicate things. And we lost all of our instincts, I'm suprised we're even still alive.

  9. ditto. we're really verrry dumb if you think about it, if animals can outsmart us then something is wrong. we;re all so goshdarn lazy and letting everyone else do things for us, like the weather forcasting. its gonna eventually itll be survival of the fittest and theyll eat us! what do you think all the pets are about, theyre infiltrating out homes! then theyll all atack at once!!

  10. Seriously, I don't think we're the top of the food chain, we're pretty close to the bottom, with like bacteria or something. And like bacteria we cause lots and lots of trouble, and multiply way to much. Hahaha.

  11. just like humans!!!! we cause trouble and multiply, thats all we're really good for. and thats not even good. youre rite, were not at the top, even bacteria does more than we do, it infiltrates bodies and kills! we cant even really do that on our own. w,o the rest of the universe, we would cease to exist. we are ridiculously dependent on the rest of the world

  12. No kidding, the world is suspisciously in a place where humans can be lazy and not do much......I think it's a conspiracy made by the universe and one day it will kill us all, in some ironic way.
