Monday, May 18, 2009

Today was.....interesting....

Well we had to clean out one of the class rooms I was in because half the students left because they were seniors. Then the teacher found an old copy of Twilight and gave it to me! I dont like Twilight, but a free book is a free book. So I've been reading it, because SOMEbody says I'm not allowed to have an opinion on it without reading. Wich is bull, I'm intitled to my opnion. I just base it off of what friends tell me, I take the good and the bad, andm make of it what I will. I mean if a friend told me he didnt like being stabbed and why, I'd make that opinion my own. Also I've been calling every one I know posers, because lets face it, every one is one. And i'm going to send a spam chain letter thingy to my friends on facebook about posers. But after that, I think I might quit facebook and go to something else. I dont talk to half the people on there, and one of the 3 people I actually ever did talk to, blocked me. Plus things have been upsetting me lately and I'd like to see as little of a certain someone as possible. Although I dont know what I'll find as cool as facebook with some of my friends on there, and buttons and club things and fan things too. But I'll make do, facebook just doesnt appeal to me any more. I wont say all of why, its to long and boring, and I dont want to go through it. But yeah.....



  1. Well, somebody is in a bad mood!
    First of all, I said that you shouldn't decide whether or not you like something without trying it yourself. I'm sure most people will agree with me. My friend says she absolutely hates liver, it makes her want to throw up, but I'll try it anyway, just to see how it is. (Like last weekend, I just tried cheese and maple syrup, and it's not bad...)

    Ans second, I hate labels. Especially the 'poser' kind. I'm sure there are people who would call me a poser, because I'll wear a black coat and choker one day, and a few days later I'll wear a long colourful paisley skirt with a blouse. I'm not trying to be anything; I'm just wearing what I want. And I'm sure you don't mean fashion when you call people posers, but I'm just saying, there's a side to everything.

  2. Ok well, I'm reading it anyway, so yeah... and maple syrup and cheese sounds good actually...
    And the poser thing was a joke. Its an inside joke. And no I didnt mean clothes, I actually forgot where I was going with it, I had liek an explanation or something as to why and how everyone is a poser. Just some people more then others. And you wearing different clothes doesnt make you a poser, it just makes you idk, like random or....something... Lol

  3. Yep, I'm random! I decide what I wear that day the moment I open my closet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. *wondering what you said before you deleted it*

  6. And you will stay wondering, because I wont say.
