Saturday, June 6, 2009


This is for Courtney, who wanted to see my characters, Kenzy for being a great friend who's own characters helped me a lot, and Shelly for always having my back, and making a big impact on the development of the characters.

Rayne~ The first of my characters, so obviosly the one with the most history. In his past, as a child he was a run away orphan. His parents dieing when he was six years old, he was forced to go into different orphan homes, until at the age of thirteen he decided he had enough. Until the age of fifteen things were tough out on the streets. He started meeting people, making some friends, and going through hard experiences that in the end that made his life better. Rayne eventually met a girl who he would be connected with heart and soul, he didnt write aboutthis girl in his journals, because he knew he could never forget her. Then for months she dissapeared, no trace, no scent, no thought that could help him find her. His life moved forward, he adopted a son, found his sister, became a doctor and got fired, in a way got married, and so forth. He loved his wife very much, but years later he found that girl again, memories of everything they went through flooded his mind, and he was sad he could not be with her, but he never said that to anyone. Then the girl died....taking a part of Raynes heart and soul with her...leaving him broken.

Osielle~ Raynes sister, he first found her when he was sixteen. But at that time, they didnt know they were siblings. They grew closer, and began to love each other. Then one day, they found out they were siblings, and were filled with shame, fear, and confusion. But the feelings still remained... They remained just as siblings for a while after that. But after Raynes five year dissapearance, they found each other again. She was followed by a little girl, her daughter Aileena. He found out that it was his daughter, and they stayed together, to raise the child together. (Shelly's character)
Note: This does not mean I condone incest!! Ew....

Pascal~ The boy that Rayne adopted, he has quite the mouth on him for a seven year old. For years when he was with Rayne, he always knew he was adopted, Rayne had told him, not wanting to hide it and have him find out later. So any time they introduced themselves, he would tell stories of his amazing real parents. These always changed, from Pirates, to assassins, to the leader of a world known werewolf pack. Yes the boy is a lycan, as his father is a hybrid of lycan and vampire. Then when the boy was seven he met his real mother, at first he was afraid of her. Then slowly as she visited him more, he had come to like her, and had a secret fantasy that Rayne and his mother would fall in love.

Raynes brother (cant think of a name I like.)~ Has always had a grudge against his brother and sister, once they were born he got no more attention from their parents. So when he was eight he ran away from home. That boy never returned. He died crossing a bridge in the rain, slipping off the side and being dragged down stream. When he died though, the grim reaper came before him, and offered to bring him back, for a price. Still being a child, he didnt understand, so he accepted. But what came back was the manifestation of those bottled feelings, wich had he never ran, would have just gone away. This hatred returned to the boys home, his parents held him and cried, asking why he left. But he stayed silent. Then, when the parents were asleep, he grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen and walked into thir room. You can guess what happened. Osielle, seeing this through the crack from her open door, cried out. Waking Rayne up, when he ran out, he was knocked unconcious, and Osielle was kidnapped by their brother not to be seen again for years. When Rayne woke up, he had no memory of what happened, and was told his family was killed. What Rayne went through is a story for another time. But his brother, held Osielle captive for years, making her cook, clean, whatever he felt like. Osielle was to afraid to fight back. Finally Rayne had found her, but were unaware that they were siblings, since Osielle had long forgotten, and Rayne just never remembered. Rayne killed his brother to save his sister, but only in a rage of finding out they were siblings. The proof, was one family picture, and thir fathers pocket watch. (Jiminy Cricket!! That was longer then I thought!!)

Do to the fact that this is getting to be a bit lengthy, I have to cut out some characters from this post, but I'll add them in part 2....wich I didnt think would actually exist. After part two, hopefully, I plan to do a meme with some of the characters I have introduced, I have a couple spots open, so when this is over and you want to see one of the chars in the meme, let me know via comments vv or the chat board >>

Thank you!

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