Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why can't we just be more honest?

Today was kind of blah. It had it's ups and downs, as usual. I had a lot on my mind though, again as usual. I wonder why we, as people, can't be more open and honest with each other. Why we can't really on others for help. Take advice gracefully, listen to those who care about us. Why can't we be as strong as we think we are, or as strong as we want to be? Why can't we be our absolute selves, without worring what people think? Not worry about what's main stream, and what's not. Fitting in, or shunning anything deemed popular. Why can't people accept themselves for who they are? Why can't people be willing to change themselves? I know that sounds counterdictory, but it's not as opposite as it sounds. People talk about how they don't like a certain part of them, or hear about how someone has a problem with a part of them. They aren't willing to work to change it. I'm not talking superficial, I mean deeper. No one listens anymore, not to strangers, not to peers, not to the people who care about them, not themselves. Listening is a GOOD thing, just the way we take them is often times bad. There are times that yes, people WILL try to hurt you, but if you listen deeper, you can hear their own words protecting them, or turning on them. Deeper then between the lines, but in the very words themselves. People who act strong can in fact be incredibly weak, or vice versa, people who don't seem the care, could care the most, and vice versa. We just need to listen, open our eyes, and look for the truth. But this is hard for a lot of people, they don't have the strength, or don't care.

I don't know where I was going with this, I just needed a good rant.

Anyways, thanks for reading, or not....probably not. Haha.

Good bii!

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