Monday, February 1, 2010

And Another Thing

So yesterday was the most amazing moment ever for me going to youth group.
The youth leader asked just a couple volunteers to coem up and share some things, not even that big. But then it grew from just a couple to many, and from small, to huge. I won't say what since I swore confidentiality. I really wanted to go up and say something, but my stage fright kept me down, and didn't go away until it was too late.
And so everyone agreed to ear lunch with the people of our youth group. Sort of, not everyone did, but I was suprised to see some of them there. Especially Adam, I have a new found respect for that guy, he stepped away from his friends, even though they were teasing him about it, and sat with us. He even bought me a cookie. Just a little bonus. I'm glad we did this though, I'm warming up to my youth group more now =) There are supposedly bible studies in the mornings, but I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for that yet.
I hope I get to go through something like this again, it was great, very moving. Hopefully I can go up and say something next time. I'd probably end up like giving my life story and end up rambling though. Heheh ^^;
One thing I got from this is I do need to start working harder to help people, despite that scared feeling in my gut.

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