Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another stolen meme.

I swear, that EVERY meme/blog survey I see. I will do.

I got 79.

Level 1:

( ) Smoked A Cigarette

( ) Smoked A Cigar

( ) Kissed a member of the same sex

(x ) Drank Alcohol (My grandma let me try wine, if that counts.)


Level 2

(x) Are / Been In Love

(x ) Been Dumped

( ) Shoplifted

( ) Been Fired

(x) Been In A Fist Fight


Level 3

(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person

(x) Skipped School

( ) Slept With A Co-worker

( ) Seen Someone / Something Die


Level 4

(x) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends

( ) Been To Paris

( ) Been To England

( ) Been On A Plane

( ) Thrown Up From Drinking


Level 5

(x) Eaten Sushi

(x) Been Snowboarding

( x ) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook/Myspace/MXit (I plan on it.)

( ) Been in a Mosh Pit

SO FAR: 10

Level 6

( x) Taken Pain Killers (I count tylenol)

(x) Loved/Liked Someone Who You Can't Have

(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By

(x) Made A Snow Angel

SO FAR: 14

Level 7

( ) Had A Tea Party

(x) Flown A Kite

(x) Built A Sand Castle

(x ) Gone Mudding

(x) Played Dress Up (pre school) ... (I always picked the cop, or doctr)


Level 8

(x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves

(x) Gone Sledding

( x ) Cheated While Playing A Game

(x) Been Lonely

(x) Fallen Asleep At Work / School

SO FAR: 23

Level 9

(x) Watched The Sun Set

( ) Felt An Earthquake

(x) Held A Snake

SO FAR: 25

Level 10

(x) Been Tickled

( x) Been Robbed / Vandalized

(x ) Been Cheated On

(x) Been Misunderstood

SO FAR: 29

Level 11

(x) Won A Contest

(x ) Been Suspended From/In School

( x) Had Detention

( x ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident

SO FAR: 33

Level 12

( ) Had / Have Braces

( ) Almost Eaten A Whole Pint Of Ice Cream In One Night

( ) Danced In The Moonlight

SO FAR: 33

Level 13

(x) Hated The Way You Look

( x ) Witnessed A Crime

( x ) Pole Danced

(x) Questioned Your Heart

(x) Been Obsessed With Post It Notes (OMG POST-IT NOTES <3<3<3)

SO FAR: 38

Level 14

(x) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud

(x) Been Lost

( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World

( ) Swam In The Ocean

(x) Felt Like You Were Dying

SO FAR: 41

Level 15

( ) Cried Yourself To Sleep

(x) Played Cops And Robbers

( ) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers

( x ) Sang Karaoke

( ) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins

SO FAR: 43

Level 16

(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't

(x) Made Prank Phone Calls

( ) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose

( ) Kissed In The Rain

SO FAR: 45

Level 17

(x) Written A Letter To Santa Claus

(x) Watched The Sun Set and/or Sun Rise With Someone You Care/Cared About

(x) Blown Bubbles

(x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or Anywhere

SO FAR: 49

Level 18

( ) Crashed A Party

( x) Have Travelled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People

(x) Gone Rollerskating / Blading

(x) Had A Wish Come True

SO FAR: 52

Level 19

( ) Worn Pearls

( ) Jumped Off A Bridge

( ) Swam With Dolphins

SO FAR: 52

Level 20

( ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/Ice Cube

( ) Kissed A Fish

(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes

(x) Sat on a roof top

SO FAR: 54

Level 21

(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs

( ) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel

(x) Talked On The Phone For More Than 4 Hours

(x) Recently Stayed Up For A While Talking To Someone You Care About

SO FAR: 57

Level 22

(x) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree

(x) Climbed A Tree

( ) Had/Been In A Tree House

( x ) Been Scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone

SO FAR: 60

Level 23

( x) Believe In Ghosts

( ) Have/had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes

( ) Streaking

( ) Visited a Jail

SO FAR: 61

Level 24

(x) Played Chicken

( x ) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger (Suprisingly)

( ) Broken A Bone (Cracked one)

(x) Been Easily Amused

SO FAR: 64

Level 25

(x) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later

( ) Made A Porn Movie

( ) Caught A Butterfly

(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried

( x) Cried So Hard You Laughed

SO FAR: 67

Level 26

( x) Mooned/Flashed Someone

( x ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You

(x) Cheated On A Test

(x) Forgotten Someone's Name

( ) French Braided Someones Hair

( x ) Gone Skinny Dipping

( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House (close to it a lot)

SO FAR: 72

Level 27

(x) Rode A Roller Coaster

( ) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling

( x ) Had A Cavity

( ) Black-Mailed Someone

(x) Been Black Mailed

SO FAR: 75

Level 28

(x) Been Used

(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs

( ) Licked by A Cat

(x) Bitten Someone

(x) Licked Someone

SO FAR: 79

Level 29

( ) Been Shot At/Or At Gunpoint

( ) Had Sex In The Rain

( ) Flattened Someones Tires

( ) Rode Your Bike/Driven Your Car Until The Fuel Light Came On

( ) Got R20 Or Less Worth Of Fuel

Total: 79

TOTAL - Re-post this with the title ''I've done ...x out of 129 Stupid Things'' and tag at least 20 people to continue the chain

Monday, November 29, 2010

New school, and a stolen meme.

I like meeting new people.
I like singing.
I like argueing.
I like deep conversations.
I like variety.
I like reading.
I like NIS (Nippon Ichi Software)
I hate how nervous I get when talking to someone new by myself.
I hate close mindedness.
I hate people who abandon friends for 'The person they love'
I hate when people aren't willing to be reasonable.
I hate my allergies.
I hate people who think they know everything.
I hate when people change themselves for one other person.
I hate not knowing what the right decision is.
I love my friends, more than anything.

So, my first day in a new school, was amazing.

Plain and simple.

It's hardly even able to be called school, it doesnt have a school air about it at all. I could go on, and on about it. But I'm not gonna, cause I'm happy, and want to go do stuff.

Anyways, hope your day goes as well as mine!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Youth Group!

It was an awesome time! A little awkward cause we were talking about sex and stuff, but it was still great!

I was fairly out going today, and I'm proud of myself.

I spoke up in small groups, talked with people, made a potentially new friend.


I talked to that girl who I thought was familiar.

I asked if I met her before or something, and chatted about it for a bit. I was worried it sounded like some cheap pick up line or something XD

But I never talked to her before, so, I was wrong.

We chatted, and even though I didnt know her before, I do now!

She's pretty cool, we have a lot in common.

Anyways. We mostly talked about deer in small groups, but when we werent, I said something to pitch in some effort now and then. We had ice cream, but I didnt get any. I regret that now.

Then on the way back, we talked about video games, mostly Kingdom Hearts, lol.

I also want to look up ice cream potatoes.

Anyway, my mom is watching a very cheaply done movie right now, and it's painful to watch.

So I'll quickly say that I'm not looking forward to the new school thing tommorow.

I don't even know what I need to bring!

Anyways, cya!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Back to being shackled.

Well, it turns out, I'm not going to a new high school after all. Just to an adult ed place where I know a couple of the students. So much for a new start. I went from one crappy place to another. I feel like I'm trapped again. But oh well, at least I felt free for a few moments. It was nice while it lasted.....That seems to be my life motto lately. Will nothing that makes me happy stick around?

Monday, November 22, 2010

A new horizon.

I'm changing schools, I'm changing schools!

I'm so excited for this!

Scared about the change, and sad that I will miss out on a lot in my old school, but I've wanted to go to a different school for a while, and it's finally happening!

New people, new surroundings, new way to do things. I can leave all my current drama behind me and start fresh!

I will miss my school friends so so much, but I only have one or two that I won't see outside of school, so it's not too bad.

I already have friends in the new school, so I won't be completely lost. I can sit with them and stuff at lunch, if I have lunch with them. I am curious as to how my classes and stuff will work, as well as the lunch.

Gah! There are so many things I want to know! I'm excited! Which is ironic, because school doesnt make me excited.

I feel free, large and in charge, like a new man! This feeling is indescribable!

I probably should feel some negative feelings about this, and I'm sure somewhere inside me there are some. But there's just this overwhelming feeling of.....being lighter, that it drowns out the rest!

This new school better watch out, cause I'm going to take it by storm!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sign from God.

I know this sounds ridiculous, but I think it's true.

I saw Kara's mom at the dentist, and I froze up. I still want to apologize to them, so this was a shock to me.

I didn't know if it was her or not at first, but there was too much for it to all be a coincidence. Then her phone rang and I KNEW it was her. It freaked me out a lot.
Then I heard a song by Green Day that I know Kara likes, which took my attention away from the drill.

Then, there was a song by some girl, and all I heard was "Don't give up on me." Over and over.

After that, there was a song by a guy singing about how he's going to keep fighting for what he believes in.

Then many songs about love.

It was amazing! I was SMILING during my whole dentist appointment!

If dentist appointments went this well every time, I'd go more often.

Other than that, I decided to take a break from Facebook, until Saturday.
I know it's not that long, but baby steps. I'm working on not being as addicted.
I can do this, I know I can!

In other news, I left my notebook at school, which sucks, because it had some of my new Psyche stuff on it.....

Also, I want to learn to play guitar.

I guess that's it! Bii~

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bring it on life!

I've noticed life is trying to be hard on me lately. A close friend left, took someone I love from me, and possibly having them give up on me. People are avoiding me, not liking the things I do. Making me question my own beliefs, making me lose faith in everything.

Well guess what! I don't care!

Listen to me life, and anyone else who wants to try to make things hard for me!

I am strong, I will keep fighting, I will never break, I will do what's right, and I will care about my friends and loved ones, even if they leave me, and give up on me.

The thoughts you've been putting in my head? Forget about it! I will NOT go back to that, EVER. I made promises to a lot of people.

That apology I owe? I WILL give it.

The people I care about? I still do, and always will.

God? It's shaky, but I WILL believe.

Myself? I will NEVER give up. I am stubborn, and love a challenge.

Morals? I am going to do the right thing no matter what.

The fact that no one reads this anymore? HA! Fine, if they don't want to, they don't have to.

If you don't like this life, then throw ANYthing you want at me, I will face it, I will triumph, I will never back down. I owe it to myself, and everyone not to.

I will become a better person, no matter what you do to me. I will do everything in my power to hold the relationships I have, fix the messes I made, believe in God.

Maybe I won't be happy, but I've spent too much time trying to be happy. It's gotten me this far. But now it's time for me to be stronger.

So life. Screw you, I will do as I please.

You can do what ever you want to me, but I will not go down. I will win, or die trying.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Today, I'm still alive.
Today, I'm still in love.
Today, I woke up.
Today, I finished Love Stargirl.
Today, I worked extra hard so that I could visit a friend in a different lunch. Today, I made another piece of treasure.
Today, I went to the enchanted place.
Today, I unknowingly destroyed a spiders home.
Today, I meditated for an hour.
Today, I became a part of a spiders new home.
Today, I really took a look at the world around me.
Today, I did not hide my treasure.
Today, I finished Soul Eater.
Today, I listened to lots of sappy music.
Today, I am a better person.
Today, I wrote a post.
Today, is not over.


Hey people! How ya'll doin'? Did I spell that right....? Ya'll? Oh well.

Not much to report, just been working hard lately. Been under a melancholic optimism. If that makes sense to you. It does to me. Been listening to a lot of sappy music lately. I'M JUST SO EMOTIONAL~! Haha, but really though, the songs are making me feel happy and other fuzzy things that I won't go into to much detail about.

Sorry stalkers ;)

So I'm gonna visit a friend in a different lunch, if I can finish a class in LAD. Then I'll pay 4 zero to hero passes and work through MY lunch to go see her. I hope it works! I've been thinking about whether or not I should tell her first, but I want it to be a suprise.

I want to hear a really good joke......

I had a melted shake, it was so good!

Okay now I'm just saying the first things that come to my mind.....

Anyways, so I've been asking close friends of mine to pray with me about something I'm going to do. Hopefully I can do it soon, I'm nervous, but waiting is just making me anxious.....

Anyway, gonna listen to music now, bii~

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Today was fun.

My sister came and we hung out. We went to the mall and talked about stuff on the way. I ran into someone I knew, and about had a heart attack. It was really weird, cause we barely looked at each other, but that brief moment was enough to be like BAM!! I don't think we could have noticed each other more if we were both running and collided into each other. We talked for a bit, and I introduced the person to my sister. Then we parted ways, and I was nervous and twitchy the rest of the time in the mall. My sister said we both looked REALLY freaked out. Which there was good reason for. I was really afraid that I'd have to jump behind a tree to hide at some point. Or end up going into an awkward section in Barnes and Noble to conceal myself. It was random, heart and nerve wracking, and scary. Altough it was very nice for a moment. At first it was warm and fuzzy, then turned hot and stabbing. It was all in all an interesting experience.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Inquiry in the morning.

I always wondered why I do what I do, because despite being able to understand others, I can't understand myself.

I never do my school work anymore, and I keep wondering why.
Is it because I'm afraid of failure, so instead of fighting it, I embrace it?
Is it that I feel I'll fail anyway and just don't try?

Then I also wonder why I want nothing but to have fun and laugh.
Is it just who I am?
Am I not as capable as taking things seriously?

But then I also get hurt and heart broken easily.
Is it because I'm weak?
Is it because I care too much?

But despite that I always try to fix what I ruin.
Is it because I can't stand losing the things in my life?
Is it just my nature?

There's a lot more things, but I can't think of the right questions for them.
I think it's just because I take the phrase "Live for today." Too seriously, because there is no gauruntee for tommorow, or next week, or next year.
So I move fast, have fun, slack off, make people happy, don't act like too big a jack ass, but still a big enough one to have a laugh.

Or maybe it's something else entirely. Who knows? I think no matter how much I study myself, it'll be impossible to fully understand. But I can try.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My first thoughts of the day.

So, I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off, and the first thing I thought was.
"Heck yeah! I'm so freaking awesome, so fast my alarm can't keep up! Just watch, I'm gonna shut that thing up right as it goes off!"
5 minutes later.
"Shut up alarm clock, you don't DESERVE to wake me up!......Wait.....What?"
And that's when I realized what I was thinking XD

Then in the shower I got to wondering what my 6th sense was. I think it might be that I can read people, either that, or I have a slight sense of the future.

Cause I'm REALLY good at reading people, and treating them respectively the way that makes very little conflict. Or at least help me repair it if conflict is inevitable. Only once has there been someone that was not easy for me to understand, and let's just say that it didnt end as well as I had hoped.

I don't mean read in the way that my sister said she used to, the way I understand how she did it was that she could sense there aura, or spirit, and tell if they are a bad person, or good person. Sort of, that's how I took it anyways.

For me it's just I can tell a lot about the person just through conversation. I can know things about them without them having to say. Although I'd never mention it. I can find an easy path to get them to trust me. Or maybe I'm just good with people, cause like I said, this did fail me on someone I cared about.

Anyway, and the other was slightly tell the future. I can sort of sense if things are going to go well or bad. I always new that 15+ would be difficult for me, but I always jumped to the conclusion it ment I'd do suicide or something. I don't mean difficult like high school, I mean seriously troublesome. Those were not good times. =/

And then one night this summer I absolutely NEW I that I shouldnt have been doing something one night, but I went through with it anyway, and it went badly.

But that could just be chalked up to a gut feeling type deal possibly, but without the gut.

Anyways, and those are my thoughts for the morning. It took longer to type them then think them, lol.

Have a nice day!