Monday, May 31, 2010

Rainows and lollipos and....Screw it I'm not THAT happy.

Hulloooooo evrii bahdee!!

I'm in a gooooood moooooood~
That's classified.
Meaning I have no clue.
Sherlock, gimme some help?
I've been busy with lots of stuff.
And have been doing a lot of thinking.
Uh oh.
Jk, it's not bad thinking, just thinking.
About life, death, love, hate, gain, loss, deep thoughts about the mysteries of the universe, the complexity of God, the workings of the soul, people, my puppy, and video games =)
I need a soup laddle, very very badly!
I swear I'm going insane. But I'm not crazy!!!
I saw these funky birds that I've never seen before in someones yard, they were flightless, short fat birds, but they werent chickens!! And blue fire hydrants!!! And an entire town I've never been to before seemed so familiar!! It seemed like things in the world had changed, and I knew that they did!! Like in the Dreamhouse Kings series!!!
And I'm over it now.
I want to hear Japanese singing.....
Just as there is a light that can never be extinguished, there is a darkness no light can fill.
This makes SO much sense!!
I love that quote, a lot!
Wait.....Oh no!! I just thought of something!!
If I'm in a good mood, that means something bad is going to happen!! Or I'm going to go into a spiralling depression!!
Nothing good happened for me to be in a good mood, so hopefully, and most likely, it will be the latter.
Well bring it on bipolarness of mine!!
I'mma come at chyu with everything I gaht!!
Dancin~ Yeah!

This has been a meaningless post broadcasting brought to you by PlushieInc. Bringing chaos of all kinds, to people like you.
Thank you.

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