Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Depression of a summer school prisoner.

I'm stuck in the library of the school, but not to read books, for a class, math class.
This is very monotonous, and I don't like it.
This has been draining all my energy, nothing is going on in my life, and it's making me more and more exhausted each day.
Sleep and summer school take about 2/3 of my day from me.
Now the last 1/3 that I have to myself awake, is filled with depressing thoughts and wishes of escaping this life.
So far summer is not fun at all, any determination, or will to care about stuff, has pretty much vanished. A meteor could be hurtling toward Earth, and I really wouldnt mind.
The first I'm going to do after summer school is an all nighter.


  1. good gracious, you sound like your about to hang yourself!!!! i think you need some cheering up, we need to talk .dont be depressed :(

  2. Woah woah woah woah, I'm apathetic, not suicidal. I'll be fine, sutff just needs to start happening, or at the very least summer school needs to end.

  3. okay, as long as you're not about to kill yourself!!! when does summer school end?

  4. I wasnt talking about killing myself, so don't worry about it, haha. Summer school ends tommorow, on Thursday, I will do my best to stay up all night that day.

  5. *phew* good, because i do NOT have the energy to deal with a suicidal friend!! oh sweeet, almost time for fahreeeddooom~! haha, so you're celebration is going to be staying up all night and then you can sleep all friday... convenient!

  6. Well don't worry, you don't have to....yet.....jk. Haha, I prefer night time to day time, it'll be really nice.

  7. oh your SO funny :P. as do i, at night theres no stupid ppl around to ruin your life, and its good for thinking

  8. I thought so. It's very peaceful at night, and it has kind of a fun scariness to it.

  9. it does, its like the ultimate adventure... and you're not as visible, and most ppl arent up so its like oh i can breathe, thank you! i wish i was a bat.

  10. It really is the ultimate adventure, but it's even more fun if you have people with you.

  11. hmm i would imagine so, then you can talk and be goofy and its not as scary... i dont think i could bring myself to walk around town at nite by myself, im too chicken!! but the IDEA is lovely, you know?

  12. I could do it, especially if I were wearing my gothic jacket, then I'd be the scariest thing out there =)
