Monday, December 28, 2009

Most amazing day ever.

Today started off normal, I played with my christmas presents like I have been since that day. Then my mom leaves to go to the post office, 2 seconds later she walks back in with a bag and says that it was laying on our porch. We opened it up to find presents to us in it. A gift card for $150 for my mom, 2 PSP games and a Nintendo Monopoly games, plus a Rubik's Cube for me. Had to be well over $300 there. We have no idea who it's from! What's scary is, there was no footprints on our porch....

Then I got a hair cut and the lady who was cutting it kept saying my hair was amazing, it lost it's charm after the 5th time, and I began to believe the opposite after that.

Then I saw Avatar, it was a good movie, although predictable, but still very good!


  1. Wow, that is amazing! :O And sooooo cool! Congrats. :DD

    XD I hate it when hairdressers keep talking about my hair when they cut it... (third time:) Woman: "Your hair is sooo thick!" Me: (thinking) "Just shut up and chop it off!"
    How short did you get your hair cut?

    Yeah, Avatar was pretty predictable (that's why I wouldn't give it a full 10 ;D). But still very good! What would you rate it?

  2. Thanks =)

    I didn't get it short, it's still sort of long just not poofy, I got it thinned out mostly, and short enough so I can see when I'm driving.

    I give it a 7.5-ish kind of rating I guess.
