Friday, December 18, 2009

Spring cleaning, one season early.

Ok, so, I decided I'mma clean out my blog, and take out everything I feel that I should. On another note, this will be a long winter break, have a lot of work to do, and I'm kind of dreading Christmas.... Today my teacher did this really loud sneeze/cough thing right behind me and I jumped in suprise. He looks at me and asks if I'm ok, I say I am and he says I jumped like a foot off the chair. I told him that I'm just quick to act in any situation.

Ninja Christmas involves candy cane sai, holy throwing stars, silent nights, and plenty of trees to hide in.

I KNOW I had more to put on, I did, really! I can't remember!! I was at my great aunts for too long =(


  1. Hehe. I tend to jump, too.
    I walked into my parent's room to watch TV, and my brother was on their bed, but I wasn't expecting it. So when I saw him, I yelled, "WHOA!", jumped in the air, and had to grab the door so I wouldn't fall down.

  2. Lol, wow. My dog scared me one time because it was night time and I walked into my room without a light on. I looked to the floor and their was a pair of glowing eyes staring at me, I jumped and flipped the light on, then felt stupid.
