Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Velociraptors and duct tape.

So, the other day, I realized, if velociraptors came to our school, we'd all die, because our door handles are not safe from them. If you have seen Jurrasic Park, you'd understand. This worries me, you have no idea.

In other news!

I wore duct tape over my mouth ALL day, well, most of the day. By 5th hour (Last hour for those of you who don't know.) it started to burn, and when I removed it to talk, I got a comment that my mouth was extremely red. So I had to take it off.

It had a smiley on it =D

Although, I got a lot of weird comments and looks about it, I kept it on, cause I had a good reason. Although I heard some people who shall remain nameless talk about how I'm doing it for attention, and one then precedes to say rather loudly "Let's just not pay him any attention!" This is all ironic, because for one, the person who I think said it was being a HUGE hypocrite, and second, they never talk to me anyways XD Now, I could be wrong about the hypocrite thing, this is just who I THOUGHT said it.

Anyways, but the reason I had it on was because I have a tendency to say things without thinking,which often times got me in trouble, or hurt someones feelings. So I used the tape to keep myself quiet, and when I had to say something, it gave me a second to think about what it is I'm about to say, and either alter it, or not say it all together.

It was a hit and miss. It worked occasionally, which is good. But it doesnt give me a long term effect. But hopefully it'll help me remember to think before I talk. Cause it was really...um.....inconvenient =)

Although, aside from that, my day was great! Up until Anime Club, then it kind of crashed, to begin with, no one showed up. I'll leave it at that. But, I won't let that keep me down, I have stuff to do, and I WILL find something to bring my day back up!!

Have a great one folks!

P.s. It's a day late, but happy birthday Kara!

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