Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy day!

Wow today was sooo fun!! Mr. Calloway, or however you spell his name was picking on me in class. He picked me for over half the questions on reviewing the test, because the first time I wasnt paying attention and somehow guessed it right, but he knew I wasnt. So he called on me for the next one, I was still stunned from him teasing me, so he teased me even more. We all laughed, it was nice. Then he called me on a couple more a little down the line, he was like "You feel like I'm picking on you dont chya? Thats cause I am!" then some other kid wasnt payng attention and teach was asked if he was doing the Donald method of problem solving. It was funny. Then in 4th hour Ms. Cobb played her guitar, and so did a kid named Hayden, it was awesome!! And Mr. Rose played some music, it was all to teach sound waves. That was the most fun I've ever had in class!! We had like 3 fire drills, and a tornado drill! It was crazy, I say this before my next part cause it goes with it. So I gave my friend Augusta my anti depressant (sshhh, I dont like them >.<) and she was freaking out!! She laughed at every little thing!! So of course during the last fire drill, she was freaking out. On the bus I finished my Maximum Ride manga, and now Courtney is borrowing it for a bit. And I began to read another manga a friend let me borrow. It started off talking about was a little cautios about reading it, but I scanned ahead and there was this really funny looking part, so I kept reading. In the part it showed this cute girl blushing (Its um....a slight...fetish I got....) Anyway, then the main characters nose was bleeding like crazy and it said "Critical hit! 999999999999 damage!!" I was literally about to lol, because I know that would have happened to me more than likely if I were him. Then out of no where, right before I began to laugh a Pringles can crashes right on me!! It tossed cheesy chips everywhere!! I yelled What the hell!? and habded chips to this one slightly annoying/ perverted kid and dusted the rest of my seat. The kid just mentioned, is more of a wannabe perv. I let him look at Maximum Ride, and he saw Max sprawled out on the ground, and he was like oh yeah id smack that, or something I wasnt paying attention. So I took it from him, then handed it to Courtney. But today was soooo much fun!! But now, I dont know what Im going to do this weekend.... Idk maybe I'll find something, if it was as random as today was, then it'll be fun! I'm just going to have to walk around town a bit to find something. Idk maybe I'll walk to the gas station, or the store and buy a bunch of candy. I just realized I;ve never really looked around the local store....I wonder if theres anything of interest in it....

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