Friday, May 22, 2009

Today was horrible....

Well first my first aid teacher wasnt here to give me my test. I needed totake that! Then during 3rd hour, was talking to that cute girl, and I dont remember what was said or done, but I just know I was blushing really hard. I got so embarrased that I blushed harder, so I couldnt look at her for like 15 minutes becuse I was blushing so bad. S slept 4th hour, and I was so disoriented I tiped walking into 5th hour. Then during the middle of 5th hour, I get called down to the principle. He told me that if I have no chance of passing my classes I'm getting kicked out of the school. He told me I was the worst student in the high school. So then 5 minutes after he sent me back, he called me to his office again to tell me theres a good chance Im getting kicked out. I really dont want to get kicked out, I like going to school even though Im failing. So on the bus I was talking to Fetus and Courtney, and during the whole thing I realized, I was really not needed during that conversation. Like if I just stopped talking, they would have gone on without caring. And so this bugged me a bit, but then I realized that if I were to get kicked out of the school, nobody would all. Nobody would miss me, and this hurt the most out of everything. I mean I was having a horrible time for a while, but this just stung more than anything. So when Fetus got off, I curled up into a ballish like thing and stayed quiet. And when I got home I just went to bed and cried for half an hour..... So I think Im just going to let them kick me out, less hassle for me....


  1. Gah, don't just give up like that!
    And just because you haven't read DNAngel doesn't mean that you couldn't contribute to the rest of our convo. We were talking about other things that you could have easily talked about also (and you did, until we started talking about manga you haven't read).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. actually it was before that, i realized that if i hadnt said anything, it wouldnt have mattered.
