Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Last Day of School....

Well today sucked. I wore my Bleach hat to school, and got a couple sarcastic comments on it.... And my friends were mad at me the entire day, wich is dumb its the last time I'm going to see them, and they're mad at me. Oh well.... Then that cute girl wasnt in class today DX I kinda wanted to talk to her one last time....
But oh well, nothing would have came from it anyway. Lunch went as normal, I got the usual Bosco Sticks..... And So on, then came 4th hour and I read this cool book. Anyway, it was a good book, this girl was turning into a vampire, and she was craveing blood and stuff. It was cooler than I described it. Then the bus ride was a little dull, but I talked with Ians sister about Vampires, its a game/book, and there are different types of vampires. I said I'm Malkavian/Ventru. She said she's Malkavian/ Something I cant remember >.< Then Courtney was a Giovanni/ Malkavian....we onli picked people who were part Malkavian XD But yeah.....not the greatest last day....


  1. So what's the name of this cute girl? :3

  2. Hey, YOU knew about that cute guy I liked!

  3. Well, I didn't like him, but you know what I mean.

  4. Thats because I was able to guess it right....on my first try. Im good!

  5. Oh, never mind, I found out anyway. I have spies, remember?

  6. ........Uh huh......and who do you think it is?

  7. K... It starts with a K... I forgot her name, though... Friends with Chelsea O, small, redish hair, I think? Ka... Gah, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts for too long, the only name that's coming to me now is Kairi. :3

  8. Kairi, wow lol. and nice work detective =P whered you get your info from? and here I thought -I- was a great stalker. lol

  9. I shall never reveal my sources. :3
    And see, see? I was close the first time! Off by one letter!
