Thursday, May 28, 2009

My family.

A lot of people consider there family thoughs that they're related to, and others, they're friends, well I am the second type of person, so when I lose a friend, its like a family member died.... So here is a list of my family, and those who've I've more or less lost.

Jason: This guy be like an older bro, he's sort of they're for me and I always feel like I'm intruding when I'm with him and his friends.

Shelly: Shes like my online older sister, shes over protective, yells at me when I did something wrong, and I feel like I'm bothering her most of the time.

Ian: This guy, used to be like my twin. We were so alike, we looked alike, talked alike, acted alike, but we both changed and are different people now. (Lost due to differences unexplainable)

Augusta: Shes also like an older sister, she abuses me, tries to get me to do drugs, drink alcohol, but respects my decision not to. But even so, we love each other, and she holds a grudge against anyone who remotely hurts me (she has one now, but I wont say who) as I do the same for her! (Lost due to being kicked out of school)

Courtney: Shes like that weird and fun cousin you used to hang out with, and miss not anymore. (Sort of kind of lost due to a disagreement and long period of time of not talking. But still kind of talking.)

Damien: Hes kind of like a cool uncle, I dont hang out with him much, but its kind of cool when I do.

Dis be mah family think of it what chyu will! =3

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