Friday, May 1, 2009

Emotional bus ride

Im not even kidding, I went through so much in that bus ride! More than I have in a few weeks. Heres a list of what I felt and why....just for kicks lol.

Inspiration: Though of a few lines for my next poem.
Sorrow/Heartbreak/Meloncholy: Just something small that kind of ate at me during the bus ride.
Jealosy: Because of Fetus...wont say why though >.<
Regret:I pulled out the notes to my poem and crinkled them up. I decided I didnt want to right poems or draw anymore, but that wont last.
???: I threw the crinkled poem at Courtney, Idk why lol
Relief: They played What hurts the most on the radio, its pretty much been describing how I felt for a while. Then I sang along with it, luckily nobody was paying attention to me.
Then I kind of felt a mix of everything, I was all of the above, but...I was relieved to be feeling them...Idk Im a freak. Anyway thats my useless post of the day, thank you very much.


  1. 1) I know it may look like it, but I don't like Fetus!!!
    2) Damn, if I knew that it was a poem, I would have read it!

  2. Um....17 I didnt say that you did like Fetus.... So.. Now I feel like you do more than I did before. jk. and Its not my full poem, its just a couple of Key words, I need one more then I'm ready for the smaller details.

  3. I know you didn't say that, but I was sure that you were thinking it. Why else would you be jealous? Well, there could be other reasons, but none of which I am aware of.
    (Seriously, I don't like him.)

  4. Lol I believe you. And I'm not jealous of him for that. Although your not to far off.

  5. If it has to do with me letting him see my drawing... >_>

  6. Wow bulls eye XD I wasnt planning to say...but such a good guess deserves something, eh?
