Saturday, May 23, 2009

Greetings from Jasons house!!

Ok so yeah, I am posting from my freidns house because I'm spending the weekend here, or well two nights mostly. Anyway, we went to a bon fire for our last youth group get together. It was fun! I got dirtier then I have in years XD I walked around the back woods and waded through the creek, I fell a lot, got everything up to my knees wet and muddy. Then we set off the bigger bon fire thing, and it burned well. I was sitting the closest most of the time, but some of the other guys had to pretend they were tough and try to see who could get the closest. But I just sat there, it was pretty hot. Yeah they went up for two seconds at a time extrememly close, but I was sitting in the same position and soaking in the heat. My pants were steaming lol, then a couple times I had to stomp out some spreading fire. Then after a bit we left, and when we were walking to the car, we heard, what at first sounded like a pig being raped. So we sat there with WTF? looks on our face. Then the sounds went from screeching and grunting to screeching and shrieking-ish sounds. And me and Jason played enough zombie games to know to get the hell outta there. Which is funny, because the day before I said the zombies would attack, and Facebook said I would be the hero....Jason would be zombified though, lol. So yeah, it was funnier to me, because I was coming up with zombie attack plans for a couple days. So.....if they are attacking, I'm prepared. And dont worry faithful (or not) readers, if you are close enough (or can hide well enough) I will save you!!

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